Sunday, March 29, 2020

Whatcha doin?

Hello friend! I hope this post finds you well, safe and secluded somewhere with an abundance of toilet paper and whatever essentials you need.

First, an apology: I haven't been posting so much because I have been performing jokes live on stage for handfuls of people at a time. Fun, but that means I haven't been writing here regularly.

I don't want to neglect you, my true OG audience. However, transcribed jokes rarely work.
So, what can I share with you?

Well, I have been keeping myself busy in quarantine making videos with my friends and family.

Here's a video starring my kids, because they were the only cast I live with and could get last minute and free*.

A (lack of) Space Oddity

Please enjoy. Please stay home. Please stay safe. Please wash your hands. But most importantly, please stay home.

See you soon!

*They were well fed on set.